Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of nerve pain

Nerve pain can be a symptom for conditions such as cancer, chronic Pain Syndrome, diabetes, HIV, and shingles.  It can be devastating experiences for most people. It can feel like sudden shocks of electricity, pinpricks or burning. The pain will no doubt disrupt your life both at home and at work. It will limit your ability of getting around. Nerve pain can lead to sleep problems, depression and anxiety. Dealing with the pain can be hard. The pain cannot be cured but it can be treated. There are many joint pain treatment options that will enable you feeling better if you have nerve pain. Here are the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of nerve pain.

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Nobody likes chronic pain but it has an important function in your body. Chronic Muscle pain will prevent you from injury. Imagine being unable to feel pain say when you light a matchbox and still hold it in your hand. You will obviously get burned. Nerves are responsible to convey sensations such as pain.  When you have nerve pain, your messaging system will not be working properly.


Nerve pain can be caused by physical injury or diseases. One of the diseases that cause nerve pain is cancer. Cancers can grow out of the nerves. Also dance treatments such as chemotherapy drugs can damage the nerves and lead to pain. HIV is another cause of nerve damage. Treatment with the anti retroviral drugs can be treated. Diabetes also causes nerve damage. It is due to the high levels of glucose that you are taking they can injure your nerves. Physical injuries can result in nerves being crushed, compressed or severed. At times, nerve pain can appear for no apparent reason.


The symptoms vary from one person to another. Some of the symptoms of nerve pain are numbness, pricking, tingling, and loss of reflexes. It can also cause paralysis and affect breathing and digestion. The underlying sickness will contribute to the severity of the nerve damage. Nerve pain will become worse with age.


It is necessary that you see the best Pain Management Doctors if you have nerve pain. If you have been diagnosed with conditions that cause nerve damage, it will be easier to determine the cause of the pain. However, at times identifying the cause of the nerve damage can be difficult. In such cases, the doctors Who Specialize In Rheumatoid Arthritis will have to run several lab tests. You will also undergo a neurological exam and tests like CRT scans, MRI and nerve conduction studies.

Treating Nerve Pain

The nerve Pain Treatment depends on underlying cause, patient's health, cost and risks of potential side effects. Topical treatments such as lotions, creams and gels can ease the pain. Anticonvulsant will also help to control nerve pain. They have to be combined with antidepressants. Electrical stimulation will also help block pain messages being sent by the damaged nerves. Lifestyle changes will also help with nerve pain. For example, exercising more, eating healthy, practicing relaxation techniques will be of great help.


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